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We implement the best semiconductor chip design solution for each customer utilizing our broad knowledge and experience with numerous EDA tools, advanced Constraint-DrivenTM design methodologies, libraries and foundries.
We utilize tools from Cadence, Magma, Mentor Graphics, Synopsys, Verisity, Verplex, etc. We have completed numerous multi million gate designs in the following markets: Three of  key differentiators are that we offer our clients full "front-to-back" chip design capabilities, exceptional Program Management expertise, and ICCE Constraint-DrivenTM design flow methodology.

Customer Experiences  

Once again, the logic designers at BRECIS communications Inc applied their manpower and knowledge of the chip’s architecture to perform Toplevel  physical design. “We taped out our first chip with ICCE assistance in 16 weeks.  We demonstrated the fully functional first silicon at SuperComm only six days after receiving it from the foundry.
We used the ICCE Flow to tape out a second chip ourselves in only 7 weeks.  BRECIS is now self-sufficient in its ability to tape out complex chips with a predictable, robust physical design process based on the ICCE Flow.”  


  • Efficient         ICCE  builds a custom solution for your design style based on the proven ICCE Flow. 
  • Modular         Easy to add new tools
  • Integrated      All tool flows linked together, just type make
  • Consistent     Organization and repeatability across EDA tools, blocks, chips and design teams
  • Proven          19 tapeouts of a wide range of chip types with all popular libraries and foundries

IC Chip Engineering Inc Project Management Value:

  • Provides customer access to an experienced Project Manager (PM) who has already charted the road to success on a similar project
  • Provide Project Management with a primary goal to complete the project on-time without being distracted by other non-essential issues
  • Provide PM's that are sensitive to your long term objectives who will guide the project based on current customer communicated priorities
  • Provide the customer with frank and honest feedback about the actual status of the project on a regular basis
  • Help the customer control and manage project risks
  • Provide a fresh and experienced perspective from other design projects regarding what steps should be avoided, what is possible, how to mitigate risks and how to maximize opportunities for success
An engineering team's failure or success can sometimes be traced directly to its project manager. However, the role of a Project Manager is often misunderstood. In most organizations, a senior designer, the one who best understands the deep technical issues, usually performs project management. The most effective project managers, however, are those that can step back from a situation, look at the larger picture, and anticipate roadblocks even before they are visible. Those that can put in place risk mitigation activities, can realistically assess the abilities of their team members, and can repeatedly drive the priorities of the project home, will succeed.

We provide professionals who have:

  • Determined engineering team weaknesses and strengths in a short period of time
  • Conceived, described and managed several methodology improvement initiatives
  • Demonstrated an ability to foresee project hurdles and developed risk mitigating strategies to overcome them
  • Demonstrated the ability to lead and influence entire project teams
  • Used scheduling as a management and communications tool
  • Demonstrated a deep level of understanding of engineering issues
  • Experienced how to get projects completed quickly and effectively